If you value photography, if you see the investment beyond the price, if you have previously had a professional family photoshoot, if you want to capture moments to hang on your walls for years to come, then I want to talk to you! Not everyone sees the value which makes me sad as my passion for creating memorable real moments runs deep. How often do you sit scrolling through old photos of your children when they were little and it takes you right back to that moment? Do we ever regret taking the photos or spending the time sharing and looking over them?! Not a chance!
A professional photoshoot puts you all in the moment, the job of capturing magic moments comes down to me. You get to spend quality time and energy with all your focus on having fun with the people that matter the most!
Spring and Fall are popular times here in Austin to capture these moments and to see your children growing. The weather is perfect, the flowers are out, the light is gentle! But what happens in the months between the investment you make with me? You take candid snaps of your little ones on your phone and of course you should! But I am committed to these images being the best they can be so here are my top 5 tipsto taking better photos of your children in between your professional sessions! (Only for your eyes!)
Top Tip no.1 : Say cheese! Don’t make them say cheese! This is a pet hate of mine but we all do it!!! Where does say cheese even come from?! Not only is it a random word but it makes the face do the goofiest, unnatural smile! You are way better off making a fart noise, telling a joke or singing a silly song to get the natural smile that we want. If your little one still has a serious face and you need a prompt try ‘silly snake’, Its more fun to say and creates a more natural smile
Top tip no.2: Lighting! This one is so important and can make or break an image! Do not shoot in direct sunlight! It is harsh, it washes the subject out, it creates harsh shadows (we don’t need any help with dark eye shadows as Moms!!) and it makes people squint. All of which make for an awful set up! Try to position the light behind the children and have it dappled through a tree or bush if you are outside. Otherwise light off to the side is better! Morning and evening are the absolute best and that time of day makes my heart sing! Especially here in Texas! Your sunrise and sunsets are spectacular!
Top Tip No:3 : Moments! Try to capture natural moments! So often I see parents watching children playing, it’s a lovely scene and we decide to capture it! But rather than letting it play out we say, “look at me!! Say cheese” Boom! Natural moment ruined!
Top Tip No.4: Angles! Get down low!! Now our knees may not thank us but a photo that is eyeline with our subject is always going to be the most real and flattering! Unless you want to get arty, then get up high or super low!
(Ever opened up your camera to find it on selfie view of yourself from below your face………enough said!!!! Angles matter!
TopTip No.5: Get in the shot! Get everyone involved and get in the picture yourself! (Dads i’m aiming this at you!) As Moms I know we naturally take photos all day long and dang Dad, don’t we make you look good!! But don’t forget us Moms. If you see a sweet moment of your children with Mom capture it! And Mom don’t be critical! in 5/10 years time when your kids are grumpy teenagers stomping around and grunting you wont care that your hair was in a messy bun or you weren’t as fit as you wanted to be! All you need is that moment of love and connection that was real and was there!
Let me know how you get on!
Claire x
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