I was chatting with a friend the other day about how easily you forget what little monkeys the children have been that day once they are all tucked up peacefully in bed, the house is quiet and you have a large G&T in hand! Who else then flicks through the pictures you have taken of them that day thinking ‘ahhhhh aren’t they amazing and so cute!’
Most these pictures are on our phones and someone is inevitably missing…..Mum! I don’t know if it is how we as Mums are wired up but as soon as I see a lovely moment of the kids I pull out my phone. This could be them on their own, with siblings or messing around with Daddy. If I scroll back through my camera library I have 1,000s of lovely images but I very rarely feature. A few awkward angle selfies but that is about it!
I have set my husband a challenge (eye roll from him) to take more images of me with the children at the weekends. So far we have the grand total of zero! I don’t know why but he just doesn’t think to take a photo or see the moment.
For me this is something that I want to change! I’m starting off with giving Hubbie a bit of a nudge (massive push!) to get snapping away. I have also asked friends to turn the camera my way when we are out and about with the little ones and finally I am going to book a lifestyle family session with a photographer each year. I want to look back and see photos with me in them! Childhood passes so fast I want to have something to remember the moments, how we all looked, and to see those chubby little arms full of love wrapped tightly around my neck. The children will want to see what Mummy looked like all those years ago and I want them to see images that capture just how much I adored them. They don’t care if my hair was always in the messy Mum bun or my clothes chosen for comfort over style (I used to laugh at how high my mum’s jeans were…now I understand it and own my own belly button high pair!) The wrinkles gained from smiling and the dark eye bags are all from the love we have for our children.
So this Mothers day get out from behind the camera and step in front, I promise you wont regret it!
Mothers day March 31st