Beautiful Home birth

Beautiful Home birth

Wow wow wow!! And a little more WOW! When the wonderful Lotte asked me to capture the birth of her 3rd beautiful baby I said yes immediately.I had always wanted to capture a birth, the raw emotions are like no other. Having only been at the birth of my 2 (but not really with it) I was super excited and privileged to be there to purely watch every little detail as it unfolded. Lotte had the most peaceful home birth. When I arrived at 5am the house was quiet, small candles flickered and gentle music played. I was hit by a wave of emotion that I wasn’t prepared for!  I was about to be a part of the most intimate moment in someones life. Alongside Lotte she had her partner Darren, her wonderful friend and Doula and her 6yr old son. I loved everything about this session and it left me walking on cloud 9 for the rest of the week! Just magical.


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